Auto Commissions Jacker Review and The OTOs

Before you buy any product on the internet, you should not just look at the main offer, you also need to understand information about its upgrades. So, we publish this Auto Commissions Jacker review article as a way to break you down the upsell features and value so you make your best decision either to buy any of them or not. This post is made as an objective look, no promotion, no spam here.


OTO 1: The Ultimate ($47)

With this upgrade, you will unlock additional features that you won't get from the front end account. On the other hand, you will also remove some limitation, with that being said, you can create as many link hijack, video hijack campaigns as you expect.


OTO 2: Email Plattform +DFY Swipes ($67)

This is going to be a built-in autoresponder feature that you can utilize directly instead of using external apps, which will save your time. According to Victor Akpos, email marketing is the winning affiliate strategy, not about the SEO product review, not about free FB Posts on Groups, Community. 


To help you kickstart your affiliate business, you will get access to his pre-done email swipes, which can be deployed into its own built-in autoresponder or any app outside. And the email from Victor are all his custom written emails, not about to duplicate emails from most software launches on Jvzoo, which is a proven mail to be better.


I have learned from this guy, he mostly focuses on sending agressive emails and he also focuses about the bonus angle, value adding angle to sell products to subscribers, not about theory like combining traditional soft-sell, hard-sell emails, etc.


OTO 3: JumpStart Package ($97)

You will have various pre-made link hijack campaign loaded into your account. Basically, they are his pre-chosen affiliate offers on Jvzoo & W+ that he assumes newbie get easy approval and can be evergreen towards buyers, so, you can jumpstart your business and monetize faster with affiliate marketing.

OTO 4: Reseller License ($497)

This allows you to resell the app as your own product. It's not affiliate with 100% commissions, it's about to create accounts for other marketers. And with this license, you can even rebrand the app by changing the logo, the domain so no one knows you resell the software. And of course, you will win with this business type because you resell the software that people need. Because they need these similar tools, you can sell at $47 for each account license, 11 of them will help you recover the cost while you have the potential to sell up to 100 licenses successfully.








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Auto Commissions Jacker Review - reviewaccess | CreativeWriting | Vingle, Interest Network