VideoDyno Review and The OTOs

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Any product has upsells/upgrades and so does Video Dyno. It's a product with up to 5 upsells and some of them are not cheap. So, this VideoDyno review will break you down the entire funnel.

 OTO 1: VideoDyno Unlimited + Email CopyDyno ($67)

As some previous launches from Abhi, you have limitation about video to be created in weekly/monthly basis. But with this upsell, now, you can create as many video as you want plus having a larger video storage on the membership.

The Main offer only brings you video script for sales video, advertising video, the upsell will bring you salescopy to be used in an email marketing campaign. And as you know, the majority of successful affiliates promotional are all from Email marketing. So, a good email content can interest people to buy a product you promote.

OTO 2: VideoDyno DFY ($197)

This can save your time and stay you away from create stuff manually. You can utilize these pre-done video campaigns directly so you can start marketing/promotional immediately. So, you don't even need to fill in the blanks to answer the question from the software.

OTO 3: VideoDyno Business ($59)

 This is mostly for those who runs a video agency business. You have a pre-done website with free hosting (from the product creator with license to use custom domain). Not just that, you have pre-made Paypal checkout plus some Prosposal, Contract to be used  as a real local business.


OTO 4:  VoiceReel ($99)

 This is a text to speech application from Abhi. I have not made a test yet with it. But i think it will have some huge differences comparing with the TTS features included in the main offer. This is because TTS from the Main Offer is somewhat robotic and actually, they are from Amazon Polly voiceover.

OTO 5: PlayerNeo Pro ($49)

 This is not a video hosting app, you still need to provide your Youtube video link, Vimeo video link. The app will create a custom video player instead and you can add Call to Action.