GrabVid Review and The OTOs

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OTO 1: Template Club at $97

 As you know, the core usage of the software is all about to make caption for video and then you merge these caption (with audio files using voiceover) into the stock video. So, with the template club, you can add some of their premium video templates into your video content.


To my personal opinion, this upgrade is definitely a must buy offer because to monetize, to get traffic, you don't just need video content, you also need video assets so you can make multiple videos in bulk or at least to make video to post on Youtube, social media frequently.

OTO 2: Unlimited at $67

 With a low one time price at just $37 and $47 while the product creator still needs to invest in things like Google Cloud API, Amazon S3 Hosting, it's impossible for them to recover the cost to get profit, that's why they make the upsell 2 as a must-buy upgrade for you.


And in fact, you must have this upgrade because when we use Grabvid, we will use in the long-term, in order to use it in the long-term, you must have unlimited video creation license. This may a little bit uncool from the vendor but i think it's a must for them to profit because most of the buyers from this tool are low-value customers (many of them will abuse the system as they see the one time price)


OTO 3: Agency at $197 or $297

 Please be notice, this is not a reseller. Instead, it's a license to create accounts for team members (those who run Agency Business) or to create accounts for customers (to handle video services for them)


To my personal opinon, this is not a must-buy, instead, it's more likely to be used by professional video agency service provider, caption service provider and many more,...

If not, you can skip the last upsell.